Monday, April 5, 2010

Direct Seeding Cool Weather Babies

This spring has arrived so fast!

Over the Easter Weekend we finished up the new beds just in time to plant out some of the babies started inside earlier this year - broccoli, cabbage, sweet peas. We also direct sowed some carrots and green onions. Somehow, we've wound up with a whole lot of real estate being given over to onions - some that I overwintered, red and yellow onion sets, and now the seeds. Good thing we love onions around here.

Speaking of overwintering, here are a few hardy plants that not only survived the winter in fine form, but also seem unphased by their recent relocation into their new bed. Clockwise from top left: Swiss chard, radishes, and garlic chives (which are, btw, pungent - in a good way). Likewise, our strawberries did well and have woken up.
They, too, needed to be moved and seem to have survived just fine. They were delicious last year, so we added another fifteen plants or so.
Teeny, weeny broccoli and cabbage plants (in the foreground, under the anti-cat netting). Behind that, on the right, carrots, shallots, red and yellow onions, and spring bunching onions. Bring on the sunshine!

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